Legal Notices
studio hinz, Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz
10117 Berlin, Auguststr. 84
Professional, professional title and professional association:
Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz (professional title: Lawyer)
Auguststr. 84
10117 Berlin
T +49 30 84 71 28 86-0
M +49 176 23 160 220
F +49 30 81 87 88 84
Katja Hinz is admitted as a German Lawyer (Rechtsanwältin). She is a Certified Labour and Employment Law Specialist pursuant to sec. 1 Certified Lawyer Regulation. She is a member of the Lawyer Chamber of Berlin:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30-306931-0
Fax: +49 30-306931-99
Professional indemnity insurance:
Katja Hinz has taken out her professional indemnity insurance with Markel Insurance SE, policy number 52549765. The prerequisites of sec. 51 Federal Lawyer Regulation are fulfilled.
Tax ID:
Rules of professional ethics:
The rules of the Federal Lawyer Regulation (BRAO), Rules of Professional Practice (BORA), Certified Lawyers Regulation (Fachanwaltsordnung), the Lawyer Fee Act (RVG) and the Conduct Rules for Lawyers oft he European Union (CCBE) apply.
Rules of professional ethics can be found here: (cf. „Berufsrecht“).
Dispute resolution:
The EU Comission offers an out-of-court dispute resolution: If disputes arise between layers and their clients, an out-of-court dispute resolution is offered by the conciliation body of the Federal German Lawyers Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer-BRAK),
Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin, (
studio hinz, Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz does not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings of costumer dispute resolution bodies.
The copyright to this website or parts thereof belongs to Studio Hinz, Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz, or such person/organisation which has been granted a corresponding right by studio hinz, Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz.
Pages from this website may only be downloaded, saved or printed for temporary and exclusive use within the user’s company. Any publication, copying or distribution of contents such as texts, pictures or other data requires prior written consent of studio hinz, Rechtsanwältin Katja Hinz.
Informationen and liability:
Best efforts have been taken to ensure that all information and links o this website are correct. However, any liability in connection with the use of the information, the links or the trust in their correctness is excluded. The information contained on this website does not constitute legal advice.
Governing law:
The legal information on this website as well as all questions and disputes in connection with this website are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Photo Credits
© Roman Wache
© Gianfranco Fozzi
© Andrew Neel unsplash
© Arjunsyah unsplash
© Drew Graham unsplash
© Fernand de canne unsplash
© Ricardo Gomez Angel unsplash
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Design: Orangener VorhangCoding: craftwerk